Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Golf Grip Tips - How to Find your Best Golf Grip

Golf grip tips are important for so many reasons, but are often not given much thought. Many newer golfers mistakenly believe you can hold the golf club any which way and then strike a drive down the center of the fairway. I wish it were that easy.

It's been said that over 90% of all miss hits are do to a wrong grip on the club. With that being the case, how do you know what golf grip is best for your swing? Here's a look.

Since all golfers are different, we all have our own unique grip. It's just like no two golf swings are just alike.

How To Find Your Natural Golf Grip

To find your natural grip you'll want to stand up straight. Now simply let your arms and hands hang down at your sides. Next, look down and see how many knuckles you see. For most people it will be two, but it could also be three.

Next, grab any one of your golf clubs and take a grip on it, but with a catch. As you take your grip, be sure you keep the same number of knuckles visible as you had while your hands were hanging down. This is your natural golf grip.

For many golfers this grip may feel a bit awkward at first. That's ok, it will become routine in time, but for now you are trying to establish the correct golf grip that squares up your clubface at impact and keeps your ball in the fairway.

Golf Grip Tip Adjustments

Now that you have your natural grip, let's see if you need to make any quick adjustments. Where are the "V's" pointing as you take your grip and stance? They should be pointing toward your nose and right shoulder.

Are you gripping the club with your palms or fingers? Be sure to use your fingers and not the palm. This produces "feel".

Ok, you have your new grip. Now it's time to go to the practice range and hit some real golf balls.

As you begin hitting balls, keep track of where they are flying. Are they slicing to the right? If so, move your "V" more towards your shoulder. This will give you a stronger grip.

If your shots are hooking left, then do the opposite.

Once you begin hitting straight shots you know you have the grip that is perfect for you. I hope this golf grip tip helps you play better golf in the future. It will take a little patience and practice, but it is something that will stick with you forever.

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